Adding Service Partners to a Transaction

Adding Service Partners to a Transaction

  1. Click on the My Listings/Transactions link on the My BLC Home Page.
  2. Select the transaction from your inventory list, choose Listing Agent or Selling Agent, and then click the BLC number.
  3. To add a Service Partner to a transaction, click the Participant tab.
  4. Click on the Add Participant link, then click the type of participant from the list that you want to add to this transaction (see example of participants list below).Note: If you do not see any Service Partners in your current list, then the following screen will display. Follow the instructions to add your Service Partner to your connectBLC “My Service Partner” contact list, and you’ll be brought back and continue on with #5 below. If you see a list of Service Partners then move on to #5 below.

  1. Next you will be presented with a list of Service Partners from your connectBLC My Service Partner contact list. Select the participant you want added to this transaction by checking the box next to their name, and clicking Next. They are now added to this transaction and will receive an email notifying them of their participation in this transaction.
  2. If you want to add a new Service Partner at this time, check the box at the bottom of the screen, click Next
  3. Enter the Service Partner’s information and click Next. The Service Partner will now be added both to your contact list and as a transaction participant.

For more information on how to add a new Service Partner to your contact list, see the Service Partners section.

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