Your first step for locating property information or a listing of
properties is to perform a simple search for listings that match your chosen
criteria. First, choose one to four counties to search. Just select the box
shown below and choose from the dropdown list that appears. You can even begin
typing a county name to narrow down the list you see:
You can search by name, address, subdivision, parcel id or MLS#. Enter
your search criteria in the search box and if you see options pop up while
you’re typing, feel free to choose the correct one. However, we find it’s
usually best to perform your initial search using broad terms because that
reduces the chance of accidentally filtering out necessary properties:
The auto-complete list will change to show the first 20 matches sorted in alphabetic order. If needed, you can easily return back to the grouped auto-complete list by selecting the Return to Full Options text.
To see results, you can either (1) select a value from the auto-complete list or (2) select the Submit button to continue to the results page.
Once you’ve clicked submit, you’ll be taken to a new page that shows you all the properties that fit your criteria. Feel free to read our Search Results help document for detailed information about what you’ll see on your results page.
When you select the Submit button without first selecting the View More text for a specific field group, then your results page will include all properties matching your search criteria in the Owner's name, Street Address, Subdivision, Parcel ID, or MLS# fields (depending on the county(ies) data availability).When
you don't and/or are uncertain of the spelling owner's names, street address or
subdivision you can use the % as a wildcard to help find the property you need.
To begin a wild card search enter a % sign. The wild card searches for
combinations or variations of your criteria. For example, if you are
looking for a subdivision with lake in the name then you conduct a wild card
search to generate a list of subdivision with the combination of letter
"lake". The dropdown list will contain the top 20 results.