Booking an Inspection/Appraisal in BrokerBay

Booking an Inspection/Appraisal in BrokerBay

BrokerBay has implemented a Custom Duration tool for inspectors and appraisers via only the web platform at this time. This will override when showings are turned off on a listing. To book an inspection or appraisal with a duration longer than 1 hour:

1. If you have access to the BLC Listing ServiceSelect the listing for which you would like to schedule a showing, followed by the BrokerBay icon in the tool bar to the top right.


      If you do NOT have access to the BLC Listing Service: log in to using your web browser or Internet/browser app on your device.

2. In the BrokerBay appointment dashboard, choose the Appraiser/Home Inspector button at the top followed by your preferred method of notification. Your Showing Type should be set to Appraisal or Home Inspection. 

2. For Step 2, choose a Date from the calendar. Restricted days will appear red.

3. In Step 3, choose the time that you would like to begin. From the box that appears, select Custom Duration link.

4. Choose from a variety of durations, up to 6 hours, and select Done.

Once approved, the confirmation message you receive will provide access details to the lock box. If the listing has a Master Lock electronic Bluetooth lock box, it can be opened using the BrokerBay app; view image below for more details.

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