Only administrators may edit lock settings. Select a lock from your lock list to view its details. Its settings tab will display the following information:

  • Auto-Relock Delay: The number of seconds the lock will wait if not opened after it’s unlocked, before it automatically relocks itself.
  • Primary Code: The manual entry code used to unlock that lock via its keypad. Lock box codes must be 4 to 8 digits long and cannot start with 0.Padlock codes are composed of directional arrows. To type an arrow using your computer keyboard, press the U (up), D (down), L (left), or R (right) key. Padlock codes must be 7 to 13 arrows long, starting with Up. 
  • Secondary Codes (lock boxes only): Up to 5 additional (optional) manual entry codes that may be used to unlock that lock box’s door via its keypad. Lock box codes must be 4 to 8 digits long and cannot start with 0.

Press the pencil icon in the top-right corner of the mobile app, or the “ Edit Lock” button to the right of the website screen to edit that lock’s settings.

  1. Enter your new values and press the “Done” button on the app, or “Save” button on the website.
  2. New settings are saved as “Pending Update” values until they are written to your lock. New settings are only applied to a lock when an authorized user wakes that lock and uses their mobile app (with an Internet connection) to unlock it via Bluetooth. Old settings will continue to function until the new settings are applied in this manner. Once new settings are applied they will appear as “on lock.”

Administrators may also use the website to edit lock settings in bulk, changing the same setting across multiple locks at once:

  1. From your lock list, select multiple locks by checking the checkbox on the left of that row.
  2. The buttons to the right of the list will dynamically update, showing the number of locks currently selected, and all the applicable actions you may take on those specific locks.
  3. Press a button to take that action, and the corresponding dialog will display. Once you enter and save your new value, the system will edit that setting on all your selected locks.