How Can I Collect Agent Feedback?

How Can I Collect Agent Feedback

Getting There: My Dashboard --> Select listing --> Feedback tab 


Getting Started

With BrokerBay's fully customizable feedback forms, you can automatically request feedback from agents and build your own questionnaire. 


Click Feedback Settings to customize your feedback form, if you would like to adjust the default questions we include as shown below. 

Creating Your Own Question
On the right side of the screen create your question and select the response style available to agents. 

Question Types Explained
Type Area: allows the agent to write freely
Checkbox: agents can select multiple answers from the list
Radio: agents must select one answer from the list
Dropdown: agents must select one answer from the list

Once you have created your question, add it to the form by clicking the green bar. 




Feedback Reminders

Agents are sent an automatic request for feedback following their showing, which is then stored on the showing in BrokerBay as shown below. Here you can Edit Feedback as needed.


By clicking "Missing Feedback" you can Screen_Shot_2019-08-02_at_11.51.01_AM.png on behalf of the agent, or click Screen_Shot_2019-08-02_at_11.53.38_AM.png to trigger an automated nudge requesting their feedback. 


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