An agent may re-activate an expired listing in the BLC service within 60 days of its expiration date per a fully executed amendment to the listing agreement.
There are two ways to access the edit screen.
Option A:
Hover over Listings at the top left and select "Edit Listing Status"
Paste or type the listing ID in the field then select "submit".
Click on the drop down menu and select the "Back On Market" option to return the listing to active.
Another pop-up will appear to enter the new expiration date per the listing amendment. Next, enter in the back on market date which should be today's date. Select "save" at the top right.
Option B:
Hover over listings then select "View/Manage My Listings and Transactions"
Click on the drop-down menu on the left side to display the expired listings only. Sort the expiration dates to the most recent by clicking on the "Off Market Date". Find the expired listing that needs to be re-activated, then click on the pencil along the same row as the desired listing.
Select "Edit Listing Status".
Click on the drop down menu and select the "Back On Market" option to return the listing to active.
Enter the new expiration date per the amendment, then enter in the back on market date which should be today's date. Select "save" at the top right.