Data Integrity is our BLC's priority. If you are involved in a transaction on the list or buy side, you have the
ability to report a listing change request in order to maintain accurate data in our service.
Option A:
If you are the Listing Agent, access from the View/Manage My Listings and Transactions section.
Click on the Pencil along the row of the desired listing.
A long pop-up menu will appear with multiple selections. Click on the Listing Change Request option.
(Only utilize this functionality if you or your brokerage cannot make the change on your end).
Option B:
If you are the Buyer Agent, you can request a listing change on a pending listing by hovering over
Listings. Next, select View/Manage My Listings & Transactions
You can request a listing change on a pending listing by clicking on the Pencil.
A short menu will display and there will be fewer options to choose from. Click Listing Change Request.
The Listing Change Request will direct you to the MIBOR Central BLC Governing Documents page. Select
BLC Listing Change Request option from this screen.
Fill out the electronic form. The Correction Needed field is an open text field. Please include specific
information detailing the change needed on the listing. Click on the box next to the "I Authorize MIBOR
Staff To Edit Listing" then hit the Submit button.
An automated email will be generated and sent to your email from our staff. A ticket/case number
will be included in the upper left hand corner of the email and the Correction Needed will be included
within quotation marks within the body of the email. Please reply to the email and add any additional
information as well as supporting documentation that will help MIBOR staff complete the update to
the listing.
Once MIBOR staff reviews the correction request and the listing brokerage has granted us permission
to make the changes, we will update the listing and send a reply email confirming the changes.