Market Statistics Report

Market Statistics Report

Market Statistics Report gives an agent a quick snapshot of an area through average prices, market times for listings and sales, along with percentage sold, SP:LP Ratio, and percent expired.

    1. To generate a Market Statistics Report, click on the Reports tab on the navigational menu bar.
    2. Click the Market Statistics Report link.
    3. To create a new Market Statistics Report search, begin entering in your market search criteria. To save your search criteria, click on the Save Statistics Search link. Your saved market searches are listed below this link; just click to load one.When finished, click Generate Report.
    4. To display charts in addition to, or instead of the data produced by the report, click Customize View.
    5. Select which charts you want to display. Click OK.

      • Note: You can gray-out a specific line or section on a chart, by clicking on that section of the legend beneath or beside the chart.

Now you can print, email or download your Market Statistics Report.

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