The Listing Agent may give you a code to use to unlock the lock box.  Some of the codes are time sensitive and some are not.  If your code does not work, be sure that you are not too early or too late for you showing.  

  1. Arrive at the house within the showing or access time window with the app open.
  2. Locate the lock box on the house.
  3. Press on any button on the lock box to wake it up.
  4. Begin typing in the code you were given.
  5. The lock box door will unlock.
  6. Pull open the lock box door before it automatically relocks.
  7. Unlock the door of the house and return the key to the lock box.
  8. Repeat this process to retrieve the key to lock up the house.

Solving Issues:

  1. It is possible for a house to have more than one lock box, confirm that you are at the correct lock box.
  2. Make sure you are at the house during the correct times.