The solid waste field references if the curb side trash removal is included in the property tax bill amount.
Some Counties include the solid waste as part of the tax and other counties pay the solid waste separately.
You can access the CRS (Courthouse Retrieval System) database, search for the property record, and click
on View County Site for Current Tax Information to verify if solid waste is or is not included.
Note: Solid waste is included in the Marion County tax bill, however, this may differ within other counties.
It is a best practice to visit the counties website and review the tax bill to research if solid waste is
included or not.
Members can access the tax bill for a property by opening the CRS tax database and utilizing the clickable
links as outlined in the instructions below:
Select the CRS icon within he BLC service
Add the county of the property in the designated area then type in the address. The address should
appear underneath as you type it, click on the address when it is displayed underneath or select Search.
Once the property card is displayed scroll down.
While scrolling, you will find the Tax Assessment and Taxes section. Click on the View County Site for
Current Tax Information.
This link will take you to the counties tax billing page. Dependent on the counties website,
you will scroll through the page and fill in the address, owner name, 18 digit tax ID, or parcel ID.
Once you have confirmed that the parcel ID or address is correct, click within the checkbox on
the left and then select Search.
On the next page, select View Tax Bill on the right hand side.
Solid waste will be indicated within the itemized charges if it is included in the tax bill.
Note: This is an example of a Hamilton County tax bill. The itemized charges do not include solid
waste, however, it is best to contact the assessor or the homeowner to verify.