What integration is available to me within zipForm®?

What integration is available to me within zipForm®?

RPR has partnered with Lone Wolf Technologies to provide a tool that allows Transactions zipForm® Edition users to autofill their forms with RPR public record data. Begin by linking your RPR account with your Transaction zipForm® Edition account on your RPR Profile. Next, search for a property from the Home page. On the Property Summary, find the Transaction zipForm® Edition logo in the right panel, then click the Connect button beneath the logo.  For step-by-step instructions, see below:

Step 1

Go to your RPR Profile to connect your RPR account with your Transaction zipForm® Edition account. Open the Profile menu at the top of any page of the website (your initial or photo). Next, select Profile from the menu.

Find the Connected Apps section on the right side of your Profile. Click the word Link. Link will change to Unlink once your accounts are connected.

Sign in to your Transaction zipForm® Edition account

In the box that appears, log in to your account.