Collaborative Closing-Listing Agent Side

Collaborative Closing-Listing Agent Side

The most common requests for listing changes after a closing are Sold Price,
Listing Address, Listing Status, and List Agent and Co-List Agent, and Buyer Agent
and Co-Buyer Agent.  By introducing a collaborative process of checks
and balances between parties, the accuracy and timeliness of listing data will improve.

Listing agents (or their office staff) will continue to enter much of the information they

are currently responsible for entering as reported on the closing statement.  However,
once the listing agent (or office staff) completes their side of the closing process, an alert
will be sent to the buyer agent and buyer agent office to contribute information they are
most knowledgeable of.  When a listing is marked Pending, the new field for
Buyer Representation Yes/No will be added, but the rest of this page will remain the same.
The Yes/No selection will act as the control for other fields. The Buyer Agent will determine
who receives the communications about action to be taken when the listing is closed.

When a listing is changed to Sold or Leased, the rest of the field changes will be exposed. 
Here you’ll see the new fields for Seller Concessions Yes/No, the revised labels for
Seller Concessions Amount excluding agent compensation, and a new step for the office
to certify accuracy.  The date on this submission will control requirements for the buyer

When the listing agent completes the closing process, an email will be sent to the
buyer agent and co-buyer agent, if applicable. A bulletin alert will appear on the
home screen in connectBLC to the same participants, as well as to anyone in the
brokerage who has access to edit listings, for example your office admins.

Email Notification:

Bulletin Notification:

The buyer agent will be prompted to either certify or not certify that the sold information
is correct.  If the buy side agrees that the data is accurate, they will mark the certification
section as Yes and select the submit button.  This will conclude the collaborative closing
process for the listing.

If the buyer side deems the information is incorrect, they will select No and a Buyer Certified
Comment section will become available where notes can be added.  An email will be sent to
the listing agent/office to make the necessary corrections.  The list side will then have 2 days
to make the corrections. 

Note:  Additional links regarding collaborative closing:

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