How Do I Request A Pending Listing Transfer As A Buyer Agent?

How Do I Request A Pending Listing Transfer As A Buyer Agent?

If you are representing a buyer in a transaction and before closing decide to transfer brokerages, you'll need to talk with your Managing Broker to determine whether they are willing to release that transaction to close under your new brokerage. If your current Managing Broker is willing to release the transaction to the new brokerage, follow the steps below to complete this process.

                       1.  Complete an IPLA License Transfer and a MIBOR Member Transfer Form.
                       2.  Once the member is transferred in MIBOR and the new brokerage is associated with their ID, contact the listing brokerage.
                       3.  The listing brokerage must then update the buyer agent by following these instructions: 
                       4.  The list agent will go into the edit screen and remove the buyer agent ID and adding it back into the field.  Once they hit save, the office                                  ID will update to the new office ID.


Note:  Ask your Managing Broker to reach out to the Legal Support Hotline with any questions.  Documentation may be required to create 
            transparency between all transaction participants regarding brokerage change.


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